Tuesday, July 21, 2009

**Wedding Ensemble**

I don't have a card to share today as I have been busy trying to get the programs for Kristy's wedding done...but I do have a picture of the finished programs! 20 are totally done with the rest just waiting for ribbon and flowers!!

I now have all 75 ready for ribbon and flowers, finally! It didn't seem like that much work until you have to sit and get everything cut out! Each program has 4 staggered layers and then tucked inside the shimmery grey cs, 2 ribbons wrapped around the front and then the flower with pearl center in the middle. Here are the programs...

only 20 done so far....55 to go!!

Thank you card...still need 50 of these hummers...

the invites...I know I already showed these but just wanted to show them again with everything else that is all matchy match!

I am really proud of how they turned out, they really are so pretty IRL!

I have some picts of the kiddos riding with Lance the other night and will post them tomorrow!

Have a fabulous Tuesday!


  1. These are all so beautiful - what a great job! How lucky the wedding couple is!

  2. oh wow! They are gorgeous Kelly... stunning :)

  3. Wow dear you have been busy but these are stunning what a fab colour scheme
    Hugs Jacqui x

  4. Wow Kelly, a ton of work! These are beautiful, love how you did the layers! xx

  5. They look gorgeous Kelly, looks like your hard work paid off!

  6. Kelly you have done a fabulous job.. lot of hard work.. hugs rachxx

  7. Everything looks amazing Kelly and I think you deserve a big rest at the end, after putting in so much work and effort!! xx

  8. These are all so gorgeous! You've done a fab job!!

  9. Positively stunning Kelly. And I love the color combo.

  10. Beautiful, you are so ambitious. That is a big project.

  11. And proud you should be - they are absolutely FANTASTIC!! x


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