Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Mandy's StampWOW CTMH Video

Ok, so I have this fabulous blogging buddy named Mandy, she is such a sweetheart....Anyway, she is a CTMH consultant and they are having a contest right now....so if you can do me a favor and watch her video...as often as you like as the contest is based on the number of views and ratings and all that good stuff...so if you have a few minutes to spare and need a good laugh, it's hilrious, go ahead and watch and watch, and watch...oh and a 5 star rating too please!!

Thank you so much for helping me help a friend!


  1. That video is sooooooooooooooo hilarious! Good job!!

  2. I have watched the video it is funny! how fast is he speaking! lol

  3. That was pretty good!! So far she has almost 900 views....so hopefully it keeps going!
    I am not nearly so creative, so won't be doing one myself:)


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