Thursday, May 29, 2008

Nothing crafty, but oh so pretty!!

These are the amazing flowers my MIL & FIL gave us for our anniversary today. Aren't the so pretty?? I love them. When I went to the hospital yesterday to visit Lance's Mom and they were sitting on the chair all wrapped up and such and I said to both Larkin & Ursula, "Oh my goodness those are beautiful!!"...thinking they were just delivered for Ursula...but Larkin kinda has a smile on his face and then said "well that's good, because they're yours..for your anniversary" Wowee! It's such a fun, funky arrangement.
Lance and I are going to meet in Strathmore tonight and have dinner for our anniversary and then I am going to spend part of the night with Ursula again. She's hangin' in there and is such a courageous woman. I really enjoyed our time together yesterday, it is so different to be able to chat and have a visit without trying to entertain a 2 1/2 year old!!
Thank so much for stopping by! Have a wonderful day!


  1. Such gorgeous flowers Kelly and Happy Anniversary. Hope you have a great day. Hugs, Nikki x

  2. Wow, those are gorgeous Kelly! I hope that you and Lance have a wonderful evening together!

  3. Gorgeous flowers Kelly! glad you had a wonderful night with your husband. Happy Anniversary.

  4. What a beautiful floral arrangement!! Happy Anniversary Kelly! I hope you have a nice dinner together!

  5. Those are beautiful flowers.. and happy anniversary to you and Lance. Hope your dinner was wonderful :)

  6. Oh - they are Gorgeous!!!!

    HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! Hope you had a nice dinner together.

    glad you are able to spend some quality time with your MIL!!!


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